
Have you Heard about IPRO’s Hybrid Model? Do You Want the Inside Scoop?

By Lori Bregenzer, Client Success Manager, IPRO’s Customer Experience Team and Susanne Strong, Content Developer, IPRO’s Learning Experience Team

The term hybrid cloud has become a buzzword across the SaaS industry, but do you know what it really means?

A hybrid model is designed to combine a host of software options to provide a perfect solution for every situation.

IPRO’s hybrid model offers more flexibility with our solutions, enabling you to leverage advanced analytics and other tool sets to help you streamline workflows, save costs, and improve outcomes.

Hybrid approach flexibility

With our hybrid model, we offer a variety of tools to suit your individual needs. Think of it as an ala carte menu at a restaurant.

You can choose from a selection of “mains” (OPEN DISCOVERY in IPRO’s Cloud or discovery ][ Local), you can pick your “sides” (Trial Presentation, Email Threading, Near Duplicates, Active Learning Review) and then your “garnishes” (Professional Services).

Your choice might depend on the stage of discovery you’re in, the volume of documents to be reviewed, or if you’d like to leverage analytics with the dataset. The beauty of the hybrid approach is that you can choose different options as your needs change or budget requires.

A Streamlined Workflow

For the hybrid approach, we offer two different products:

  • OPEN DISCOVERY, providing limitless processing power, early data assessment, smarter review with Active Learning, advanced analytics, and large-scale production capability
  • discovery ][ Local, our all-in-one litigation solution that encompasses discovery all the way through trial


Our OPEN DISCOVERY solution can help you tackle cases of all sizes, including ones with larger data sets where you may want to leverage advanced analytics. Here, you have several methods for processing and reviewing data. With Enterprise, you can take advantage of a myriad of features to help cull down your data:

  • Date range: Filter by a date range during processing to push only documents pertaining to the timeframe in question into review.
  • Concept Clusters: Group data by concept or use other advanced analytics help you focus on the data that is truly relevant to the matter.
  • Keyword Management: Filter, tally, and search for critical documents that hit on key terms or phrases.
  • Document Review: Conduct review based on inclusive email threads to dramatically reduce the number of documents in the review set.

Local to Cloud and Back Again

Discovery ][ Local is typically used for smaller cases and is installed on-premises on your desktop. With discovery ][ Local you can create cases, ingest, and review data, as well as prepare for trial presentation.

It’s the perfect tool to use with easy-to-manage cases for which you don’t need more robust features, such as advanced analytics.

When a case becomes unmanageable however, that’s where the hybrid approach comes into play and it’s time to “level up.”

What do I mean by that? Well, we think of it as the hybrid local + cloud approach. You may have cases that surpass a certain volume threshold or are more complex and would benefit from advanced analytics.

By adding OPEN DISCOVERY in IPRO’s Cloud into the mix, you can focus your review workflow with Active Learning, use keyword management as well as advanced analytics such as email threading, near duplicates, and concept clustering. Once you filter your data using these tools, you can bring your case back down to discovery ][ Local for further review, production, or trial prep.

Cost Savings & Predictability

Hosting a case via OPEN DISCOVERY on IPRO’s Cloud is a cost-effective option for when you want to “level up” your Local cases. Your data can be securely accessed via any current internet browser. There’s no need to worry about infrastructure requirements, or software upgrades and maintenance, as those are all taken care of by IPRO’s Cloud Solutions Group.

There are several pricing options available for moving your Local case to Enterprise in the cloud – ranging from a month-to-month, pay as you go model with no long-term commitments to annual and even multi-year subscription plans for greater predictability.

IPRO’s Professional Services

Another perk of using OPEN DISCOVERY in the IPRO Cloud is the ability to leverage IPRO’s Professional Services offerings should you find yourself in need of a little extra case management assistance.

Our Cloud Solutions Group has many years of experience managing complex cases, and here’s just a few of the ways we can help – consult with you on best-practice review workflows, assist with the creation of complex searches and review passes, or even run productions for you from a hosted case.

We stand ready to augment your firm’s litigation support practice when you need it – think of us as an extension of your team when it comes to the IPRO Cloud. In essence, we help make your job easier!


When it comes to the hybrid approach, there are a myriad of use cases:

  • A discovery ][ Local case has grown to an unmanageable size and you’re looking for a large-scale platform to migrate it to.
  • The volume of documents is extremely large or primarily comprised of emails and you need to advanced analytics to review documents via Email Threads, compare Near Duplicate documents, or leverage Concept Clusters to investigate the dataset through a different lens.
  • Review passes are too time consuming and may benefit from using Active Learning to reduce the number of non-relevant documents to be looked at by your reviewers.
  • Perhaps you need to collaborate with co-counsel, your client, or expert witnesses. Moving a Local case to Enterprise on the IPRO Cloud can solve the logistic nightmare of sharing data to multiple matter stakeholders. And when you’re ready, the data can easily be migrated back to Local.

Whichever option you choose under the Hybrid approach, IPRO has got you covered.

If you’d like to learn more about IPRO’s products or purchase any type of training, head to our online Learning Center:

IPRO’s Help Center, which is where you can find documentation on all IPRO products can also be found here:

If you have topics you’d like for us to cover, please feel free to drop us a line and we will incorporate your ideas into future blog posts.